Showing posts with label schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schedule. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sick again...

So, I am sick… once again! Just a cold this time.. but will it ever end? It is taking on a different course than usual.. Usually my colds start out with a sore throat and then it moves into runny nose, congestion and sneezing and ends with a dry cough. This time I started with the runny nose and sneezing a few days ago. And last night the sore throat really hit! The kind of sore throat that causes you to swallow ever few seconds.. and hurts every time you do. I definitely lost sleep over it. Which isn’t good, especially since I have been in desperate need of sleep for the past few days now.

And I’m not sure if this was another symptom or not… but I practically fainted twice yesterday. I can always tell when it is coming, so I can get on the floor quickly before it causes me to fall to the floor. Hot flashes and cold sweats, dizziness, and then the vision starts going black. I can usually get down quick enough so that my vision doesn’t go completely black (it starts from the peripheral and works its way to the center). This time, I heard crickets in my ears. You know how you get that ringing in your ears sometimes? Well, it was just like that only the ringing sounded like a steady song of crickets chirping. I’m not sure what exactly causes my fainting spells. A lot of the time crackers, water, and rest help me feel better. But like I said, I don’t know if it had anything to do with the cold I have.

I am trying to get out of a slump and it seems like one thing after another hinders me from moving forward. But I am trying not to listen to the negative voices inside my head. I cannot be hindered by guilt or worthlessness. It’s okay to sleep and rest to be happy, healthy and stress-free. And it’s okay to do that during the day, if I can’t during the evening. And my husband really doesn’t care what the house looks like.. just a long as he has clothes to wear and food to eat. My worth is not judged by how much I do or clean every day. And I don’t have to compare how much I do with how much my husband does. He will keep loving me anyway even when I don’t measure up. It is nice to have a clean house.. it is a peaceful, stress-free haven for my husband. But resting in God’s presence is even better than resting in a clean house! My relationship with God comes even before the responsibilities He’s given me. Because I can’t take on those responsibilities without that relationship!

Sleep on tight... ‘Till the sunlight burns you happy. Until the sunlight burns a happy hole in your heart. <3

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I know...

Yes, I know, I know... I need to post more often. And I will. Just not at this precise moment. But it will happen! I do have things to write about. "sickness, chores, job?, bible study, life in general, etc."
I will definitely have to get back with you on those! But as for now.. I'm just out of it. And I feel a headache creeping in at this very minute. UGH!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Trouble waking up

I'm not sure what has been wrong with me lately. I can almost always wake up to the drop of a pin, no matter how little sleep I have gotten. My DH relies completely on this, since he cannot wake up otherwise. It is in my morning routine to make sure that he is up for work on time everyday. But for some reason, the past few days I have been having trouble waking up. When I finally come to, and realize what time it is, it's cutting it very close with him getting to work on time.
I wonder if it has anything to do with this headache that I've had the past few days. It only seems to go away completely when I am asleep. No, it's not a migraine. In fact, instead of hearing things louder, my ears seem to be blocked up. My head is all foggy and it hurts to have my eyes open (but not due to light). I'm not sure what it is, but I am pretty used to headaches... and also pretty used to OTC drugs not working (which makes me wonder if it is all in my mind).
Hopefully it will go away soon, and I will feel better and be able to get back to my daily routines.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Typical morning

I've got to do something about my mornings! Here's how my typical morning plays out:

  • I wake up before DH, in order to wake him up for work.
  • I make him juice (2 grapefruits and 2 oranges) in our juicer; I lay out his work uniform, accessories and boots; I bag his lunch (usually left-overs, bananas, a maybe a snack) and his multi-vitamins.
  • If he is not up yet, I try to wake him again (sometimes with hand massages).
  • After he leaves, I usually eat breakfast (cereal with cut-up banana) and then fall asleep on the couch until around 11AM.

The TV is on during this time. I sometimes watch parts of the Today Show. At 11 Rachael Ray comes on. During Rachael Ray I try to put away one load of laundry. After that, the TV goes off. Everything else on TV is just mind-numbing until 8PM.

I don't know if it is healthy for my sleeping habits to be like this. I would like to go to bed at 10PM, but DH doesn't start winding down until 11 or 12. If, for example, DH has to be at work at 7:30, then I would wake up between 5:30 and 6. and go back to sleep between 7:30 and 8 for another 3 hours. I apparently need my 8 hours of sleep to function!

But I don't know if this schedule is working out. Maybe I just need to try to force myself to stay awake until I can have an after-lunch siesta. But I know how hard it is for me to stay focused; I wonder if I can actually get anything accomplished while I'm forcing myself to stay awake.

We'll see what happens... :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Laundry schedule

I need to make a daily laundry schedule. Instead of doing all the laundry one day of the week, I have found it to be much easier and more satisfying to do one single load every day. Now to keep me on track, here is the schedule I have come up with:

Daily Laundry Schedule
  • Sunday- DH work uniforms
  • Monday- DH work uniforms
  • Tuesday- My clothes
  • Wednesday- DH clothes
  • Thursday- Socks and Whites
  • Friday- Towels, etc.
  • Saturday- Bedding

I will see how that works for me.. Depending on our cycle of wearing clothes and when certain ones are needed, etc.